Equipment Pricing and Rates

UD Advanced Materials Characterization Lab Rate Table effective July 1st 2023



Internal Rate

Non-Profit Rate

For-Profit Rate


Mass Spectroscopy & Chemical Analysis

Metrohm IC Pro $5.25 $10.50 $21 per sample
Elementar CHNS $10.50 $21 $42 per sample plus $35/run in consumables
Agilent 7500 ICP/MS $5.25 $10.50 $21 per sample
Thermo Fisher ICAP $5.25 $10.50 $21

per sample

Additional charges for Laser Ablation

Power tuning $200

Normal Tuning $150

Assisted use $100 P/Hour

Porosity & Particle Size

Wyatt DLS $21 $42 $84 per hour
Micromeritics BET Analyzer $35 $73.5 $147 per sample
Beckman Coulter Particle Analyzer $21 $42 $88 per hour
VCA Optima Contact Angle $20 $40 $76 per hour
Sigma 700 Surface Tension $18 $36 $76 per hour

Vibrational Spectroscopy

Cary UV VIS Spectrometer $21 $42 $84 per hour
Nano IR2 $26.5 $53 $106 per hour
FTIR $19 $38 $76 per hour
ATIR $19 $38 $76 per hour
Raman Spectrometer $21 $42 $84 per hour
Neo SNOM $26.5 $53 $106 per hour
Photothermal mIRage $26.5 $53 $106 per hour

Thermal Analysis

TA DTC 300 $21 $42 $84 per hour
TA Q800 DMA $21 $42 $84 per hour
TA Q600 HT TGA/DSC $21 $42 $84 per hour
Discovery DSC $23 $46 $92 per hour
Discovery TGA $23 $46 $92 per hour

X-Ray Analysis

Bruker D8 XRD $31.5 $63 $126

per hour

(max rate of 2 hours for evening hours)

Rigaku HRXRD Thin Film $31.5 $63.0 $126 per hour
Rigaku WDXRF $21 $44 $84 per hour
Xenocs SAXS/WAXS $26.5 $52.5 $78.5 per hour
Rigaku NANO 3DX $31.5 $52.5 $105 per hour
Rigaku CT LAB $31.5 $52.5 $105 per hour

Rate Factors by User

Internal Rate: University-subsidized rate for internal researchers at University of Delaware

Non-Profit Rate: User is conducting work for another academic institution or project is funded with federal funds

For-Profit Rate: User is conducting work for a for-profit organization (no federal funding used)

Assisted Surcharges: Assisted use of Instrument by a member of the professional AMCL staff

This is a rate multiplier as defined under “Rate Factors by User”, e.g., two hours’ use of the Bruker D 8 by a UD graduate student (base rate) is $60, but if the student was assisted for these two hours, the charge will be $180 (3x). If only one of the two hours was assisted, the charge will be $30 (unassisted hour) + 3 x $30 (assisted hour) = $120.